
Showing posts from December, 2019

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! I want to wish you Happy New Year. I hope last year was really amazing and the new one will be much better! Do you make any list with your New Year's resolutions? To be honest, I don't. I know that I won't do any resolution of this list so this is pointless. If I want to do something, I just start to do this. If don't want to, I will always find an excuse to not to do this ๐Ÿ˜… source

Gone Days - Stray Kids

Hi everyone! I just wanted to show you new song. (I know that not everyone likes KPOP and sorry for that). 26th of December new M/V came out. It's about generation gap. I'm sure we all sometimes have a problem with getting on well with our parents or grandparents. Well, as we can see, idols too. What's funny, JYP Entertainment didn't agree to release this song - JYP PDnim said that Stray Kids attacks him because he's much older ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜… Ladies and gentalmens GONE DAYS!

Merry Christmas!!!

Hi everyone! I just step by to wish you Merry Christmas! source  It is very special time, so you should rest and spend these days with your families and friends without work or others responsabilities. Below I left you a song I think everyone knows. Enjoy! :)

Say her name - James Dawson

Everyone knows stories about bloody Mary. Yes, stories. There is a lot of different histories which are similar. And among them there is James Dawson’s Say her name . If you think that you know everything about bloody Mary, he’ll prove you you’re wrong. source Roberta “Bobbie” doesn’t believe in supernatural creatures. Halloween makes her laugh. Being in a boarding school she friends with Naya. They decided to summon the ghost of bloody Mary, just for fun. Caine, a local cute boy, joins them. And everything is normal until next morning when Bobbie finds on bathroom mirror a massage “Five days”. Five days to what? The race starts. They have five days to find out what happened to Mary and help her. The ghost gives them the clues but clock’s ticking. Will they find out what happened years ago and survive or they fail? You will find out if you read Say her name ! I highly recommend that!

Cle 3: Levanter - Stray Kids

source I know I supposed to write about books, but I am so excited about new Stray Kids album that I really want to share this with you guys. At the begining few words about this boyband. Stray Kids is South-Korean group which is very special, because they are the only self-made group. The leader - Bang Chan created the group instead of their PDnim JYP from JYP Entertainment. They debuted in March 2018 with 9 members who write their songs, make their choreographies and produce songs. That's why Stray Kids is so unique. In October this year, STAY (official fandom) had to face up with Woojin, main vocalist, departure, so now there are 8 members devided into 3 unites: RAP LINE - 3RACHA : Bang Chan, Han Jisung and Seo Changbin VOCAL LINE - VOCAL RACHA : Yang Jeongin (I.N) and Kim Seungmin DANCE LINE - DANCE RACHA : Lee Minho (Lee Know), Lee Felix and Hwang Hyunjin. I think that's all. Let's listen to one of my favourite songs from new album Levanter - Double Knot. Thi

The Selection - Kiera Cass

Probably you have already noticed that I like trilogies. Well, The Selection by Kiera Cass was also a trilogy. After finishing 3 rd part, Kiera Cass decided to write 4 novels which are supplement stories and then she wrote also 2 books about next heir. If you like romances, you probably like this history. source The action takes place in future after World War III. There is no more USA but a huge kingdom still divided on states. But in this world the society is also divided – by casts. The hierarchy has 8 levels – first is reserved only for royal family, second for guardians in castle etc.   America Singer is “five” that means artists. After announcing the selection and after long conversations with her mother she decided to participate – not for being queen or finding love but for family, because she will get money for every week she will survive. And what is selection about? For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape th